TCP log format question

From: Dmitry Sivachenko <>
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 18:24:16 +0400


I am running haproxy-1.4-dev2 with the following configuration (excerpt):


        log /var/run/log        local0
        user www
        group www
        log     global
        mode    tcp
        balance roundrobin
        maxconn 2000
        option abortonclose
        option allbackups
        option httplog
        option dontlog-normal
        option dontlognull
        option redispatch
        option tcplog
        retries 2

frontend M-front
        mode tcp
        acl M-acl nbsrv(M-native) ge 5
        use_backend M-native if M-acl
        default_backend M-foreign

backend M-native
        mode tcp
        server ms1 ms1:17306 check maxconn 100 maxqueue 1 weight 100
        server ms2 ms2:17306 check maxconn 100 maxqueue 1 weight 100


backend M-foreign

        mode tcp
        server ms3 ms3:17306 check maxconn 100 maxqueue 1 weight 100
        server ms4 ms4:17306 check maxconn 100 maxqueue 1 weight 100

Note that both frontend and 2 backends are running in TCP mode.

In my log file I see the following lines: Aug 26 18:19:50 balancer0-00 haproxy[66301]: A.B.C.D:28689 [26/Aug/2009:18:19:50.034] M-front M-native/ms1 -1/1/0/-1/3 -1 339 - - CD-- 0/0/0/0/0 0/0 "<BADREQ>"

  1. What does "<BADREQ>" mean? I see no description of that field in documentation of TCP log format.
  2. Why *all* requests are being logged? (note option dontlog-normal in default section). How should I change configuration to log only important events (errors) and do not log the fact connection was made and served?

Thanks in advance! Received on 2009/08/26 16:24

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