Re: Question regarding url_param hashing

From: Dirk Taggesell <>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 16:56:01 +0200

Many thanks, Willy for answering my questions.

> But in my opinion, when you start playing
> with 10 to 100 times more URLs than you have servers, I really
> don't see how you could be "lucky" enough to always reach the same
> servers.

We will test the consistent hashing again once we have production data (it is not in production yet). We tested only with test data (which are still some hundred thousand urls).

> At least try to increase all weights (eg: 100). There should not be
> any need for that but it can help.

Tried that, but to no avail. I added a weight of 100 and later 256 to each back-end, but the distribution didn't change much.

> Please, try to get an extract of your prod
> servers' logs and try to replay them through your test machine.

Will do that once we have them.
Thanks for now Willy, I will keep you informed if we make further experiences. Received on 2010/04/20 16:56

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