Re: country/ip database website, needs donations to keep going

From: Hervé COMMOWICK <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 18:36:23 +0200

Hello Hank,

It is not so difficult to generate acls from MaxMind CSV database :

for COUNTRY in `cut -d, -f5 GeoIPCountryWhois.csv |tr -d \"|sort -u`;do fgrep ",\"$COUNTRY\"," GeoIPCountryWhois.csv|tr -d \"|cut -d, --output-delimiter=\- -f 1,2|aggregate -i range -o prefix > $COUNTRY_ips.txt;done

where "aggregate" is Simon Horman's tool available here :

Furthermore, it is fast to generate :

real	0m4.446s
user	0m2.390s
sys	0m1.377s



On Mon, 06 Jun 2011 01:18:09 -0700
"Hank A. Paulson" <> wrote:

> I recently found this resource:
> on the day they say they are closing due to lack of donations. :(
> I thought other hap users might be interested in this use case and
> will hopefully think about donating, too.
> For one site targeting users in several countries au, nz, etc. to be
> able to do per-country stats, I am add a header based on the ip:
> acl ipcc_au src -f /etc/haproxy/au_ips.txt
> acl ipcc_nz src -f /etc/haproxy/nz_ips.txt
> reqadd X-Country:\ au if ipcc_au
> reqadd X-Country:\ nz if ipcc_nz
> With haproxy and these lists, it is fast and easy to add the country
> info to requests.
> Is anyone else doing something similar?
> Or other sources for this or other similar types of info?

ZAC des Metz - 3 Rue du petit robinson - 78350 JOUY EN JOSAS
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Received on 2011/06/06 18:36

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