Fronting RMI servers with haproxy

From: Barak Yaish <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 14:09:53 +0300

Hello list,

Lately I've noticed haproxy, and would like to front my RMI servers (java) with it. I hoped it will be easy as RMI runs over tcp, but unfortunately it's not…

I'm using 1.4.8 and here is my config file:


        stats socket /tmp/stats

        maxconn 4096

        pidfile /var/run/



        mode tcp

        option dontlognull retries 3 option redispatch

        maxconn 2000

        contimeout 5000

        clitimeout 50000

        srvtimeout 50000

listen RMI

        mode tcp

        option httpchk

        #stats :8080

        stats uri /haproxy-stats

        balance roundrobin

        server server1 check port 9200 inter 12000 rise 3 fall 3

when trying to direct some RMI calls via haproxy, the client get the following errors:

Exception in thread "main" *java.rmi.ConnectIOException*: error during JRMP connection establishment; nested exception is:


      at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.createConnection(**)

      at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.newConnection(* *)

      at sun.rmi.server.UnicastRef.newCall(**)

      at sun.rmi.registry.RegistryImpl_Stub.lookup(Unknown Source)

      at java.rmi.Naming.lookup(**)

      at com.demo.proxy.ProxyRmiClientTest.main(** )

Caused by: **


      at sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.createConnection(**)

      ... 5 more

Can you please supply suggestions how can I track down the problem? Can haproxy fronts RMI?

Thanks. Received on 2010/07/15 13:09

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