An IE bug and HAproxy?

From: John Doe <>
Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 17:04:28 +0300

Hi. I have a problem with a possible IE bug and HAproxy: every now and then when submitting a form (using POST method) IE's status line shows "Waiting for https://...." and after the predefined period (60 s in the servers configuration file) the server terminates the connection. This happens daily approximately to 1 % of users and usually rebooting the user's computer normalizes the situation. This has happened also to my own IE using the server via HAproxy over LAN, _BUT_ never so far when the browser accesses the server directly. So despite the fact that rebooting the IE machine helps the situation and so IE is the root of the problem, it has something to do with HAproxy also.  

Originally the 'timeout client' and 'timeout server' were longer that the web server's own timeout. But recently I noticed that if I make HAproxy's timeouts shorter than the server's timeout, IE waits the amount of time defined in HAproxy's 'timeout server' and after that the page is submitted. For example the following configuration

                timeout connect           5000

                timeout client           10000

                timeout server           10000

causes IE to wait 10 s before the page is successfully submitted to the server. This would be the solution, but the server also has some lengthy reports taking a nearly a minute to create and in that case the user sees the message

                504 Gateway Time-out

                The server didn't respond in time. 

As I see it the server starts sending the report only after it is fully completed.  

So the problem is how the fiddle the timeouts to get the best of the both worlds i.e. forcing IE to submit the page after an reasonably short time and allow the server to create long reports??? Received on 2009/05/27 16:04

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